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Zhihao Zhang

Ph.D. Student

Xiamen University

Contact Me
Zhihao Zhang is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at the School of Informatics, Xiamen University (advisor: Prof. Jiwu Shu and Prof. Yiming Zhang). His research interests include network and storage system, with current research focusing on the cloud storage and computing. Here is the CV.


[P10] XXXX: Compressed Block Storage.
Work In Progress.

[P9] XXXX: Accelerating File Synchronization with Collaborative Delta Generation.
Work In Progress.

[P8] XXXX: An Efficient RocksDB KV Store with DPU-assisted Auto-Tuning.
Work In Progress.

[P7] XXXX: PM-friendly Array-Mapped Hashing with Improved Write and Resizing Efficiency.
Work In Progress.

[P6] OnionDisk: A Log-Structured Write-Optimal Virtual Block Device.
Shiyu Wang, Zhihao Zhang and Yiming Zhang.
Accepted to APSys'24. 2024

[P5] Efficient Block Storage in the Cloud.
Yiming Zhang, Zhihao Zhang, Yan Chen, Huiba Li, Haonan Wang, Ping Zhong, Shengyun Liu and Dongsheng Li.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD). 2024

[P4] FlexMem: Proactive Memory Deduplication for Qcow2-Based VMs with Virtual Persistent Memory.
Weinan Liu, Zhihao Zhang, Xiangrong Liu, and Yiming Zhang.
ACM APNet'24. 2024

[P3] Block-Level Image Service for the Cloud.
Huiba Li, Zhihao Zhang, Yifan Yuan, Rui Du, Kai Ma, Lanzheng Liu, Yiming Zhang, and Windsor Hsu.
ACM Transactions on Storage. 2024.

[P2] FP-iKnowFirst: An Efficient DPU-assisted Compaction for LSM-Tree-based Key-Value Stores.
Jiahong Chen, Shengzhe Wang, Zhihao Zhang, Suzhen Wu and Bo Mao.
In Proc. of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP'23). 2023.

[P1] SimiEncode: A Similarity-based Encoding Scheme to Improve Performance and Lifetime of Non-Volatile Main Memory.
Suzhen Wu, Jiapeng Wu, Zhirong Shen, Zhihao Zhang, Zuocheng Wang, and Bo Mao.
In Proc. of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design ( ICCD'21 ). 2021.